The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a group of parents/carers who volunteer their own time to help organise activities to bring the school community together and to raise funds for the school.

We are a registered charity and we have a committee that is elected at the AGM meeting every new school year. We also have some members who come to meetings and help at events but do not wish to have an elected role. Meetings are held regularly (this year held on Zoom) which all parents, carers and staff are welcome to attend.

Committee members 2020-2021

Co-Chairs – Elanie Ademokun and Kathryn Hanlon

Treasurer – Isabelle Whitelocks

Minute Taker – Angie Fifield-Smith

Social Media Ambassador – Catherine Hanby-Bowes

What do we fundraise for?

Every year we provide £5 per child place to subsidise school trips and parents/cares are asked to make a voluntary contribution to cover the remainder of the cost.  This year we hope to substitute this with experiences where trips are not available due to coronavirus restrictions.

We work with the school (to include the School Council) to support initiatives as required and recently we have fundraised for:

  • reading books and schemes for both Key Stage 1 and 2
  • portable technology
  • the purchase of extra learning resource for each classroom to reduce the sharing of items across year groups in a Covid-safe way.

We are supporting the school with the purchase of new interactive ‘smart’ boards for each classroom and continue to fundraise for further technology equipment in school that all pupils use and benefit from.

How do we fundraise?

We look at initiatives which are no extra cost to parents as well as other fundraising events. We do hope that events are as much about bringing the children/families together and providing enjoyment as well as fundraising.

No-Cost Initiatives

  • Cashback site – Easyfundraising

Easyfundraising is linked to 3,300 shops or websites that provide fundraising opportunities. All you need to do is sign up using the link and shop as usual via the site/app. There is no extra cost to you.

•          Cashback from Amazon with

We receive 0.05% of eligible purchases you make from Amazon. This link is available on the app too.

  • Recycling

We are signed up to Terracycle schemes and ask that you separate any items that you wish to donate into the following categories:

  1. Any brand of crisp packet and multipacks
  2. Any brand of popcorn, pretzel and nut packaging and multi packs
  3. Pringle tubes
  4. Biscuit, cake and cracker wrappers
  5. Any brand of confectionery wrapper
  6. Kinder packaging and kinder eggs
  7. Bread loaf bags
  8. Cheese packaging including string bags for individual cheeses
  9. Babybel packaging and waxes
  10. Ring carriers
  11. Trigger or pumps from beauty products, tubes or pots from beauty items, hair dye packaging, facial wipe/mask packaging, roll on deodorants
  12. Dishwasher salt bags, dishwasher tablet or dishwasher cleaner packaging, flexible stain remover packaging, cleaning wipe packaging, laundry packaging.
  13. Toothbrushes, toothbrush heads (from electric toothbrushes), toothpaste tubes and dental floss packaging.
  14. Hasbro toys and LOL doll packaging and accessories.

We support local charities by collecting used stamps and we also recycle batteries and ink cartridges. All separated items can be placed in either of the two wheelie bins at the front of school.

We all need to ensure our children’s uniform and belongings are named and by purchasing your labels or name stamps through these sites we receive a contribution too.

  • Name Labels

  • Name ink stamps also sells craft/baking  items

  • Butlins Holiday

If you are booking a holiday at Butlins please quote our code CLIF1 and they will make a contribution back to us. or call 0330 102 5287

  • Clothes recycling

Every 3-4 months we collect clothes, bags, shoes etc for recycling and we are paid per kilo collected.

  • Match Funding

We seek support from parents who are employed by a company who provide match funding for our fundraising initiatives. This is no cost to the employee or school/PTA so this can really make a difference to the amount we can raise at any one time. If you are employed by a company who provides this, please get in touch so that we can liaise to support our next event.

  • Rugby Lotto

We are part of the Rugby Lotto, where players have the chance to win £25,000. The weekly ticket costs £1 and has better odds than the national and health lotteries. For each ticket bought supporting our PTA we receive 50p. Sign up here and search for ‘Clifton PTA’.

  • Fundraising Initiatives

Many of usual fundraising initiatives such as school discos, fairs and open events have been stopped this year due to the pandemic so we are thinking of alternative ways to raise funds and provide enjoyment to pupils.

  • Christmas Card design – Children design a card which is then professionally printed into cards, gift tags, T-towels, mugs and other items.
  • Gifts for Mothers’ and Fathers’ days.
  • Second-hand School Uniform – We accept donations of good quality/condition uniform that your child may have grown out of and we sell these at a reduce price to all parents/carers.